A person could be exposed to asbestos without realizing it at the moment. They could be  performing do-it-yourself home renovations on materials that contain asbestos, or they could be construction or mining workers being made to work their shift without knowing just how much asbestos there is in the air. Indulged in their tasks, they are either unaware or are not so mindful of the health risks they are subjected to. Years and years down the line, they get diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease like asbestosis or mesothelioma (a type of lung cancer caused by the lodging of asbestos fibers in the lungs.)

When it comes to asbestos, prevention is better than cure. With information you can gather from the internet, your trusted medical professionals, and a licensed asbestos removal company, you can work towards making your property asbestos-free. Read on to understand asbestos, why it’s harmful, and how it should be removed.

What is asbestos and why is it harmful? 

Asbestos is a natural forming mineral fiber. The term asbestos refers to six naturally occurring minerals all composed of needlelike microscopic fibers. When exposed and inhaled, these fibers can enter the lungs. Since they cannot be dissolved and expelled from the body through phlegm, they stay in the lungs, and eventually they cause scarring in the lung tissue.  Removing asbestos from older houses or buildings is much more difficult, and would therefore require professional services.

This is because properties built in the prime of the asbestos industry (in Australia, this is the 1950s to 1970s) are likely to be made with materials that have a high concentration of asbestos. Asbestos was popular because it was an effective insulator, making any product containing asbestos more resilient. Asbestos was banned in Australia in 2003, but most of the homes built before that are still standing today and they are more than likely to contain asbestos. Aside from the properties themselves, construction and mining industries (especially asbestos mining) also frequently exposed their employees to asbestos, putting millions of individuals today at high risk for asbestos-related diseases. 


How should asbestos be removed? 

Asbestos is a very harmful substance, so the best option for you is to hire an asbestos removal company to do the job. Don’t try and do it yourself — it may be the easier and cheaper option now, but the cost would be no less than yours and your family’s health, which could mean thousands of dollars in medical bills in the long run. It’s best to be safe and sure. If you do need to perform first-response on an asbestos-related incident (such as when a wall cracks or a tile breaks), call an asbestos removal company immediately to ask for advice. Meanwhile, keep yourself and your family or staff away from the area and wear protective masks at all times.

During the removal process, your asbestos removal company will perform an asbestos audit or a thorough inspection of your property. After that, they will recommend what type of asbestos removal is needed for your property. This depends on the concentration of asbestos and the degree of exposure. The following are the classes of asbestos: 

  • Class A or Friable asbestos: this is the type of asbestos that becomes dust when crushed. This is the most dangerous type, as it is the most likely to go airborne. 

Class B or Non-friable asbestos: this is relatively less dangerous than Class A, but you still need to be careful. Class B asbestos is asbestos mixed into other materials. If your vinyl tile contains asbestos for example, asbestos would remain undisturbed for as long as the tile is not damaged. You can’t be too careful though: if the tile breaks, the fibers could be exposed. If your house was built before 2003, there is a chance that you have asbestos fibers all around you that pose no real threat for as long as they are not disturbed. But unfortunate incidents can happen anytime, so it’s still better to do something about it now. If you plan on doing a renovation to replace your asbestos-containing house parts, contact an asbestos removal company for help. 

Make your property asbestos-free now

AW Removals has helped many clients clear their properties of asbestos. With two decades of experience in the industry, we are experts in helping Melbourne residents prevent asbestos-related diseases. We are licensed, certified, and insured, and you can trust us to work on your property. Contact us now at 0488 12 12 14 or (03) 9798 3891. You may also email us at info@awremovals.com.au. To get a free quote, fill out our online form here.